Sahara ‘Hot Box’ Drum/Tote Oven from Benko Products is Suitable for Class I, Div I Areas
Originally released on August 18, 2015, this press release highlights certain capabilities of our 'Hot Box' Drum/Tote Ovens.
If your company is in the market for a Drum Oven suitable for use in Class I, Div I areas, look no further than Benko Products.
The heating capability of each Hot Box is designed based on the customers’ needs. With over 35 years of drum warming experience, Benko Products can accurately calculate and predict heat up times. The Model E8 is ideal for quickly and safely heating hard-to-melt materials.
See our complete line of Drum & Tote Ovens here.
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5350 Evergreen Pkwy
Sheffield Village, OH 44054
Ph (440) 934-2180 • Fax (440) 934-4052
5350 Evergreen Pkwy
Sheffield Village, OH 44054